Saturday, March 19, 2011

A kreature by Katie!

Well if any of you followers other than my mom know on my moms blog it said I have made a new creature. Her name is Marcel.She is so fluffy and easy to make I love her.Well she started out as me and my friend had a sleepover and we wanted to make something.We wanted to make a stuffy.My mom suggested that we should make a a monster or creature that we made up of our own. Then she told us to draw out a pattern on papper of our creature.Then we pinned it to our fabric.We also Cut it out sewed it leaving a hole for stuffing. I made legs for mine then stuffed them.Added some decorations and they look great so cute.The acessories (buttons) are fun and creative you can sew them on or like I did the easier messer way hot glew gun.If you want to no where i got the name of Marcel go on youtube and look up marcel the shell with shoes on so funny, or look at the video down at the bottom sorry if it does not work.  Here are some pictures of mine and maybe later I can post some pictures on how my friend's turned out.(P.s the colour in the picture is a little off her body is suppuse to be lime green)

T-shirts and Oz

Some of you might know that I was in the Broadway production Wizard of Oz as a Munchkin and Winkie. Well I love to dance and play soccer.  so my dance studio was chosen to be in the production but sadly not to tour.  I know I would have loved to.   

here I am with Oz and Dorothy

Well I had some plain t-shirts that I needed for the show & I turned them into awesome t-shirts for my friends and I also am now selling them. Here is a picture of my first shirt,  now on to my second one.  

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello a little about me!

Hey, I'm Katie from kreations by katie. I love to make Barbie clothes and I am starting to make t-shirts for my friends at school.   I am in grade 6. I have made one quilt and I am on my second. My mom is the most outstanding quilter I know. I love sketching clothes and when I grow up I want to be a fashion designer.I am going to be posting sketches, pictures, and clothes. I might not be able up date on my blog often  because school is just blowing throught the roof with to much homework. If you like quilting check out my moms blog it is